Fear 2 Freedom Champions Circle logo.png

What is the champions circle?

The Champions Circle is a close inner circle of women who are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of survivors.  We are looking for those who are passionate about combatting sexual violence, spreading awareness about our mission, and empowering those around them to Be the Change. 

How does the champions circle help survivors?

By joining us, you are taking a step in changing the lives of survivors in your community for the better.  Members of The Champions Circle participate in a number of activities and events to advocate and fight for survivors.  These activities include meetings during the year and participating in Fear 2 Freedom events and outreach efforts.



How do i become a member?

F2F currently sponsors three Champions Circles, and will be expanding to the italicized locations soon.

  • Washington DC

  • Northern Virginia

  • Peninsula (Hampton Roads)

  • Richmond

  • Southside (Hampton Roads)

If you are interested in joining the Champions Circle please contact our CEO Virginia Woodward at virginia@fear2freedom.org or sign up here by clicking the Get Involved button.