"Women Are" - Celebrating Women's History Month

written by: Isabella Notvedt, F2F Partnerships & Logistics Coordinator

What is a woman? The answer greatly depends on the person answering. Will the answer be based on culture? On physical appearance? On personalities or traits? Even dictionaries have different definitions. Being a woman is more than one’s chromosomal makeup. There doesn’t seem to be any one definition with which everyone can agree. But I still know what women have been…


Harriet Tubman is an amazing example of courage in the face of adversity. Having been born into enslavement, Tubman found a path to freedom. Through her strong determination and forward thinking, Tubman knew that she had to leave the life she built in order to keep her liberty. However, Tubman continued to put herself in harm's way in order to guide dozens of enslaved people. In addition, she assisted in the Civil War as a medic - once again, selflessly supporting the safety of others. Today, she is remembered as one of the most important figures of the US abolitionist movement (Beckner, 2005). As such, I remain inspired by the courage that Harriet Tubman continued to show, even in the face of adversity.


Marie Curie was a woman with a mission. With a rich education in the sciences, Curie worked with her husband in order to expand upon the newest research within physics and chemistry at the time. In spite of many challenges, both Marie and Piere Curie received a Nobel Prize for their intelligence in physics on spontaneous radioactivity. Just eight years later, Curie received a Nobel Prize in chemistry alone for her work to better understand radioactivity. Her knowledge led to the more widespread use of X-rays, which greatly improved the lives of WWI soldiers (The nobel prize in physics 1903). Curie’s impacts widely remain in scientific fields, often due to her being a trailblazer in her field of study and in general science. If there is one thing about Marie Curie, she did not mind being a first!


Women have been raising the standard since the beginning of time - including in early civilizations. When one thinks of a pharaoh, they may think of men. But Hatshepsut was the first woman pharaoh of Egypt to rule with full power (Mark, 2023). She created an Egypt with a rich history of infrastructure and conquest. Despite her success as a leader, Hatshepsut’s name was almost erased from history by subsequent pharaohs of Egypt because she was a woman. But her lasting impact improved the trajectory of her dynasty - bringing Egypt to new and inspiring heights. I appreciate being able to see the impact of women when they are able to use their power to improve the lives of those around them. 


Many of the most empowering people in my life have been women. These women have invested in me and my future through their time and mentoring. Each day working at Fear 2 Freedom, I am proud to work with the wonderful women that are the pillars of F2F. Our mission is to restore hope and dignity, something that can be invaluable in the lives of survivors. And something that has been given to me throughout my life, which has led to me being able to give back for a mission I love.

Despite all our differences and our pasts, women have been brave survivors of pain, hardship, and a system that’s rarely been designed for us - all throughout history.



Beckner, C. (2005). Harriet Tubman. In 100 African Americans who changed history (p. 22). essay, World Almanac Library.

Mark, J. J. (2023, March 17). Hatshepsut. World History Encyclopedia. Retrieved March 20, 2023, from https://www.worldhistory.org/hatshepsut/

The nobel prize in physics 1903. NobelPrize.org. (n.d.). Retrieved March 20, 2023, from https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/1903/marie-curie/biographical/